史黛拉與家人一起渡假去了,到了機場後,搭飛機前的驗票(check in)要怎麼說 ......  短文共賞 --- 摘錄自  劉慧如老師主編 劉慧如老師與王筱筑老師合著 "英語不會太難,從生活出發就好" 一本增進基礎生活英文、全民英檢初級到中級的英文書。

行李有超重嗎 英語不必太難 從生活出發就好  

Stella and her family are leaving for Hawaii this morning and as usual they arrive at the airport on time. It's always their mother's job to check in for the whole family while their father buys the trip insurance for them at the insurance company's counter. Normally Stella and her brother would stay with their mother, but today she wants to stroll around the airport. She is kind of disappointed though because besides some shops she can't find anything interesting. Her brother is quite excited thouth and he's been looking forward to visiting Hawaii after he has heard so much from his best friend who visited there last summer vacation.


leave for     前往

on time       準時

trip insurance   旅遊險

counter          櫃檯

stay with        和......待在一起

stroll around    到處逛逛

disappointed     感到失望的

look forward to  期待


1. Before I ________________  work in the morning , I always feed my cat.

2. Do you want to  __________________your brother at home while I am running errands or coming with me?

3.You can leave your dirty dishes on the __________________ and the waiters will take care of them later.

4. Why are you so ___________________ ? This isn't the first time Jason stood us up and I suggest that you get used to it.

5. I really ______________________________ meeting Megan tomorrow. We haven't seen each other for almost five years after they moved to south Taiwan.


1. What does Stella's father do at the airport before they board the plane?

2. Does Stella like the airport?

3. Why does Stella's brother want to visit Hawaii so badly?

4. Do you think they will be shopping a lot during their vocation? Why?

5. Tell us about your last vocation with your family. Where did you go and how was it?




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